During the coronavirus taskforce press briefing on April 18, Dr. Birx showed the chart comparing death rates among coronavirus affected countries, especially in Europe.

We deep dive on these statistics and compare in the data from different angles. This is the data we expanded to Asian countries for better comparison:
Country | Population (mil) | Deaths | Deaths/mil |
Spain | 46.7 | 19,478 | 417 |
Italy | 60.6 | 22,747 | 375 |
France | 65.1 | 18,659 | 287 |
UK | 67.5 | 14,576 | 216 |
Sweden | 10 | 1,400 | 140 |
US | 329.1 | 30,384 | 92 |
Germany | 83.5 | 4,110 | 49 |
Canada | 37.4 | 1,250 | 33 |
S. Korea | 51.2 | 232 | 5 |
Australia | 25.1 | 67 | 3 |
New Zealand | 4.8 | 11 | 2 |
Japan | 126.9 | 154 | 1 |
source: WHO (4/18/2020)
If you look at data by county in the U.S., some county’s death rates are much lower than other countries but some counties/cities like New York City are as high as some countries in Europe.
County/City | Population (mil) | Deaths | Deaths/mil |
Bergen County, NJ | 0.9 | 835 | 896 |
New York City | 18.8 | 10,022 | 533 |
King County, WA | 2.2 | 346 | 157 |
Miami-dade County, FL | 2.7 | 233 | 86 |
Santa Clara County, CA | 1.9 | 88 | 46 |
sources: New York City(4/19), Bergen Country, NJ(4/21),
King County, WA(4/19),Miami-dade County, FL(4/21),
Santa Clara County, CA(4/21), US & Spain ( WHO 4/18)
Bloomberg reported that nations with mandatory tuberculosis vaccines (BCG) show fewer coronavirus deaths. Similar reports have been on various media outlets. These are some numbers:
* BCG required countries. (France- until 2007, US – until 2005) source: wiki
As you can see, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada are BCG required countries and deaths per million people is quite low. However, UK and France are also BCG required, but death per million is high. Correlations between BCG and coronavirus death rates are still uncertain. Currently Australia is conducting a BCG clinical trial by enrolling about 4,000 healthcare workers. The estimated primary BCG clinical trial completion date is October 20, 2020.
Lastly, we look at the countries conducting a herd immunity strategy. Herd immunity is a form of indirect protection from infectious disease that occurs when a large percentage of a population has become immune to an infection. Sweden is one of the countries taking this approach. There is no lockdown and many of their businesses are open. Their per million death rates are higher than U.S. but lower than Italy, Spain, U.K. and France who are under lock down. According to Yahoo! News, Stockholm could have ‘herd immunity’ by next month, the Swedish Health Chief claims. Let’s take a look recent data from Sweden:
Sweden’s confirmed cases are steadily growing but deaths seem to be getting under control. It appears their strategy is working, but we will need to continue to monitor their numbers. Above chart will be automatically updated daily. Please check back to monitor the numbers.
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